What is the Difference Between 1300 and 1800 Numbers?
Ever pondered the distinctions between 1300 and 1800 numbers and which would be the most appropriate for your company? Which one ought you to pick for your business? Are 1300 numbers free or Are 1800 numbers free?
Let Quantacom answer you in detail for your better understanding. Both numbers have precisely the same features, functions, and configuration options so, are same in that regard. Both of these numbers are totally portable and available nationally, thus they are not bound to a certain phone exchange or region. Additionally, they provide a variety of call handling and routing solutions that may be customized to meet specific company requirements.
Difference between 1300 and 1800 Numbers:
Any landline or mobile phone in Australia can accept calls from 1300 and 1800 numbers because they are location-independent. You can transfer your phone number whenever you move because it is a virtual service and won’t cost you anything to move.
Account holders of the 1300 and 1800 numbers are both charged for all incoming calls. The cost is set by the call’s origin and is based on the rate there. Because the caller and the recipient split the cost of the call.
Calls to a 1300 number are shared by the caller and your business from any landline in Australia, charged at the local rate. This is the rationale behind the frequent use of the term “local rate numbers” to describe 1300 numbers. Higher call rates apply when calling from a mobile device. The mobile phone carrier determines them, and they vary between service providers. These calls, which are set by the service provider for the 1300 number, are also charged to the owner of the 1300 number. Only if your mobile plan includes unlimited minutes, as the majority do, are calls to these numbers from your mobile device free of charge. Calling 1300 free numbers will still use your minutes if you have a per-minute plan.
The 1800 number’s owner is liable for covering the cost of each call. The caller is not responsible for paying for the call. An 1800 number cost is free from any landline in Australia. This is the rationale behind the frequent use of the terms “Toll-Free” or “Free Call Numbers” to describe 1800 numbers. Calls from mobile devices to the 1800 numbers were commonly charged by the mobile carriers, and the caller was subject to a fee, prior to the ACMA finding that a free call should be free regardless of the dominant communication technology. Since that time, calls to 1800 numbers are no longer billed to the calling party. Each incoming call to the 1800 number incurs a fee, which varies in price. An 1800 number is a great approach to get people to contact if your company is ready and prepared to grow. You’re saying, “Hey, this call is on me,” in this way. What can I do for you today?
Cost Analysis of 1300 and 1800 Numbers:
Call Cost to Caller:
- The cost of a local call applies to calls made from any landline in Australia to a 1300 number. It is for this reason why 1300 numbers are frequently referred to as Local Rate Numbers. When phoning from a mobile phone, higher fees apply. They differ between carriers and are decided by the mobile phone firm.
- When dialing an 1800 number from any Australian phone line, even a mobile, the call is free. Due of this, 1800 numbers are frequently referred to as Toll Free or Free Call Numbers.
Call Cost to Business:
Both numbers’ account holders are charged for each incoming call. The price is determined by the call’s origin and is charged at that location’s rate. The rates at which calls are charged vary between the different numbers. Due to the fact that the call cost is split between the caller and the account holder, call rates for 1300 numbers are often lower.
There are three call sources, and their call rates vary generally:
- Local Calls are calls to landlines made from the neighborhood where the 1300/1800 number is being forwarded.
- Landline calls that come from outside the local calling region of the 1300/1800 number are classified as national calls.
- Calls made from a mobile phone anywhere in Australia are referred to as mobile calls.
The price differential between 1800 and 1300 numbers has decreased due to competition among incoming number carriers and the significantly greater availability of 1800 numbers. Because 1800 numbers are now far less expensive than 1300 numbers, businesses may now provide a free call service to their consumers.
Features of 1800 And 1300 Numbers:
Inbound Number |
Digits |
Government |
Inbound Call |
Toll-Free For |
Routing |
1300 numbers |
1300 XXX XXX |
❌ |
✔️ |
❌ |
✔️ | ✔️ |
1800 numbers |
1800 XXX XXX |
❌ |
✔️ |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Transportable-Keep a single number throughout the existence of your company and transfer it from location to location as well as from service provider to service provider.
Flexible-With options for routing that let you choose which phone should ring when someone calls a given number based on details like the caller’s location, the time of day, and whether your phone is being used or not.
Measurable-With integrated reporting features that let you assess and evaluate the success of marketing efforts.
National – Promote a single number for your company that can be used by clients everywhere in Australia, either for free or for the cost of a local call. Additionally, you may offer your clients additional support hours by, for instance, routing calls to your Perth office after 5:00 p.m. EST, when your employees on the east coast have finished for the day.
Professional –Business phone numbers 1300 and 1800 are well-known for being in this category. Even if you operate without a permanent office, having one gives your company a more trustworthy appearance.
Choose the Best Option:
There used to be a problem where more people would call an 1800 number than a 1300 number, but this issue is now less of a concern. Both types of numbers have comparable establishment fees, monthly charges, national and mobile rates. These numbers are not entirely free. Your business will need to bear the cost of providing this line to your customers.
If the majority of your calls will be local, landline-to-landline calls, the 1300 number is the best choice. The initial free minutes will typically cover the majority of calls, so your costs will frequently be close to your monthly service fee.
If the majority of calls aren’t local, landline-to-landline calls, the cost difference between 1300 and 1800 numbers isn’t very noticeable. If so, you might opt for an 1800 number so that your customers can contact you for free.
With an 1800 number, the whole cost will be borne by your business. With a 1300 number, a portion of the cost will be borne by the customer — this is one of the key differences between 1300 and 1800 numbers. If the caller is using a mobile, there may be additional charges for the caller, even if they are connecting to an 1800 or 1300 number — these numbers are intended to be free of charge, or charged at a local rate, for landline calls.
Why choose an 1800 number?
For Callers as
- It cannot not pay any call charges from fixed line phone in Australia
- It pays mobile call rates as per mobile service provider
- It has Toll-free calls
For Businesses as
- It pays all call charges for duration of incoming call
- It provides options for different monthly call plans based on incoming call volumes and features
- It has flexible routing options
- It is compatible with add-on features
- It has no call inclusions or free-talk times available on plans.
Why choose a 1300 number?
For Callers as
- It pays standard local call charges from any fixed line phone in Australia
- It pays mobile call rates as per mobile service provider
- No toll-free calls
For Businesses as
- It pays local and national call rates for duration of incoming call
- It give options for different monthly call plans based on incoming call volumes and features
- It Includes minutes for incoming local and national calls
- It has flexible routing options
- It is compatible with add-on features
Choosing the right plan depends on your business objectives. 1300 plans are a cost-effective option, to get your brand onto the national stage. 1800 toll-free plans can be a powerful edge over your competitors, and drive your business into the big time. The main difference between 1800 and 1300 numbers would be the way the calls are charged. Calls made to 1300 numbers are charged to both the caller and the business.
1800 numbers on the other hand, are toll-free numbers or free-call numbers because there is no charge to the caller when dialing local fixed line. Since 1800 numbers have been in-use in Australia for a long enough period of time, the majority of people are pretty much familiar with them and feel confident when calling. The popularity of 1300 numbers is not well recognized.
What You Need To Know About A VoIP Phone System In Australia
VoIP phone system has a solid footing in Australia’s future local calling ecosystem. The conventional house phone is now a thing of the past, having been phased out in favour of modern technologies.
Here enters the Voice over Internet Protocol – aka VoIP phone
A VoIP phone system can be an option for you if you want phone service but don’t want to deal with an outdated copper landline. With the help of these services, you can place calls online using any device, such as a desktop computer or a smartphone.
The best part is that VoIP phones often include ultramodern features like video conferencing, text messaging, and more, and are less expensive overall per month than conventional landlines. As a result, it’s a well-liked solution for small firms that need to make and receive calls, particularly those with solid marketing staff.
Here are some essential details regarding ‘VoIP Phones Australia’, including how it functions and the benefits it may provide.
VoIP Future Forecast & Factsheet
The phone VoIP market has had consistent growth and development during the past ten years. This is hardly surprising given that VoIP systems provide companies all around the world with reliability, adaptability, and better call quality. To satisfy client wants and expectations, more companies are turning to VoIP solutions.
- 17.19 million individuals used mobile devices to access the internet in 2017. This number have reached 19.27 million mobile phone internet users in 2022.
Australia: Mobile Phone Internet Users 2015-2022
- The global market for VoIP services is projected to expand to $102.5 billion by 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 3.8%. (source: Research and Markets, 2021).
- 31% of companies have a VoIP phone system in place. (source: Multicominc, 2021)
- Businesses that switched to VoIP phone systems experienced average savings of 50% to 75%. (source: Multicominc, 2021)
- In Australia, Zoom use reached a high of 100% in 2020. (Allot, 2020)
- Businesses that used a VoIP phone system reduced their telecom expenses by as much as 50%. (source: Hosting Tribunal, 2021)
- IT support bills for businesses employing cloud-based communications were cut by 15%. (source: Nextiva, 2020)
- 94% of companies claim that using cloud-based phone VoIP communication services has improved privacy and cybersecurity. (source: Salesforce, 2021)
5G x VoIP
5G technology is usually taken into consideration while discussing stats for phone VoIP services. 5G has already overtaken 4G as the industry standard for VoIP services since it offers a more reliable mobile network for the widespread adoption of mobile communication.
- Recent data on 5G networks shows that over 222 million customers are anticipated to subscribe to the network by 2024. (source: eMarketer, 2021)
Phone system VoIP with AI capabilities helps companies run their communication operations and customer support teams more effectively. For instance, AI may automatically route a call to the appropriate representative by gathering information about the persona, conduct, and call history of the caller.
Lowering the need for human interaction, enables you to run your business more efficiently and carry out more profitable operations.
- In 2020, 8 out of 10 companies will be actively using AI in their customer support system.
(Oracle, 2020)
- Corporate productivity is anticipated to increase by up to 40% by 2035 thanks to AI technology. (Accenture, 2021)
The Future Is Digital
Given the data on Phone system VoIP software, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that fixed telephone systems like landlines would eventually become obsolete. As you can see from the statistics above, VoIP services are now seen as the norm for modern communication in a world where everything is going digital.
What Is A VoIP & How Does It Work?
VoIP phone is an internet-based technology that allows users to make and receive text messages and phone conversations via a broadband connection as opposed to a standard fixed landline service.
Your speech signals are translated into audio data and transferred over a regular internet connection when you make a phone call. An off-site VoIP provider is in charge of the majority of the hardware and technology required to make this happen.
What Is A VoIP Phone?
A VoIP phone, commonly referred to as an IP phone, is an electronic device that uses digital technology to send and receive data through an internet connection. VoIP phones are available in a variety of styles and models.
VoIP Phone Types
- Desk IP phones
- Wireless or cordless phones
- Conference phones
- Softphones
What Do You Need for a VoIP Phone System?
Shifting to a VoIP phone system in Australia is a simplified process. There are, however, a few items you must have before getting started.
- A solid nbn connection
- Advanced must-have features
- IP-enabled multiple new handsets
- Custom VoIP plans
- Reliable VoIP Provider
Benefits of Business VoIP Phone Systems Australia
Access To Advanced Features: Call transfers, auto attendants, call queues, and 24/7 customer service by phone and online messaging are examples of advanced VoIP phone features.
Multi-Device Access: Users have the freedom to make and receive calls from anywhere and on the device of their choice. Be it a mobile phone, laptop, desktop, or cordless phone.
HD Call Quality: Users can experience the crystal clarity of HD audio and video.
Highly Scalable: Freedom to upgrade & customise your plan as your business grows
Cost-Effective: According to Microsoft, 82% of companies save money after switching to the cloud.
Digital and Automatic: Making your company easier to reach and available across all platforms.
Less Maintenance: VoIP phone systems are automatically updated and maintained in the cloud without the need for IT staff from your company.
Easy to Install: VoIP phone can be used instantly without extensive cabling requirements. Users won’t need to install any phone lines or other network equipment.
Unlock The Power Of Cloud-Based VoIP Phone Systems
The foundation of every business is effective communication. Any organization may benefit significantly from a VoIP phone system. Due to its undeniable perks, more and more businesses will implement it.
It gives small enterprises a scalable communication route that can expand along with them, despite physical limitations. The future of corporate communication appears to be highly exciting for both businesses and consumers due to the rapid expansion of VoIP phone technology.
Switch To VoIP Phone System ─ Go Digital
Give Your Business A Competitive Advantage!
If your company still uses fixed landline telephone systems and overpriced PBX systems, now is the best time to switch to a VoIP phone system.
Explore the best custom VoIP solutions for your business and select the most effective service packages.
Quantacom’s reliable VoIP phone systems Australia guarantees
- Unbeatable uptime,
- Enterprise-grade security
- Cost-saving
Custom feature-rich communication solution
Hmmm! Like ever thought why do we speak something suddenly that shifts the whole context into a full fledge comedy show and it is more like hey, that was totally unintentional.
Do you heard sentences like “It’s like looking for a needle in a hay-ride” or “it sticks out like a sore throat”? What are these phrases for with double and hidden meanings?
I guess non-literal or connotative that makes a sense of humor, laughter or fun. Well, they are called as “Malaphors”. A combination of two aphorisms, idioms, or clichés is referred informally as a malaphor for example, “I can’t make these split-minute decisions “. Malaphor is also known a blend of idioms.
Lawrence Harrison first used the term “Malaphor” in the Washington Post article “Searching for Malaphors” on August 6, 1976. It is a combination of malapropism and metaphor.
Malaphors are typically minor linguistic idiosyncrasies, but when it comes to business communication, things are very different. Clarity and conciseness in communications must be transmitted in order to be more effective among team members/colleagues, clients, and employees. Misinterpretation can occasionally result in terrible outcomes. Malaphor, as generally a harmless quirk get through such difficulties easily to maintain the integrity of communication channels in business communication.
In businesses, understanding and integrity between communication platforms result in better interaction for employees and aims to get different contexts for connections and presentations. Malaphors can be the best way to deliver the concepts to enlighten the mood
What are the examples of malaphors?
Let’s jump into few malaphors examples to comprehend the situation in a more productive way:
- “These managers all know their onions and cut their cloth accordingly”- Malaphor depicting about the managers power of decision making wisely according to the time requirement.
- “We were flying through a sea of success”- Malaphor phrase telling the lacking capacity of getting success by contradiction.
- “I can’t make these split-minute decisions”-Malaphor explaining about the situation when you have to decide something thoroughly & quickly.
- “We will get there by hook or ladder”- hook or ladder is an idiom used here as a mixed phrase to show the intention of reaching somewhere at good place.
- “It’s time to swallow the bullet”- Malaphor that mixed up “bite the bullet” and “bitter pill to swallow”
Malaphors frequently retain the meaning of the original idioms, and some are used so frequently that they stand alone as a saying. Though, they aren’t simply for entertainment. Without a reliable method of communication, accidental mixed messages might really cause more harm than good in a professional setting. Question rises,
Should Malaphors have importance in business communication?
Nups, we don’t need em!
As for the answer, we don’t need malaphors or mixed phrases actually to communicate effectively specially in the environment of business to show up clarity. Sometimes for the sake of fun between free times depending on the situation, teams/employees/colleagues may talk in hilarious way like tea break of having a spicy gossip. But, for professional purpose of communication malaphors doesn’t take a part as due to professional ethics and code of conducts.
According to the Australian Institute of Business, positive relationship building is one of the many businesses activity that effective communication supports.
- Supporting creativity and innovation.
- Leading multicultural or diverse teams.
- Fostering openness/transparency.
- Aiding/contributing in business expansion.
Growing corporate productivity might be challenging if the fundamentals of communication aren’t right. Departures from the intended message can cost firms time and money. There must be a direct channel of communication between what was said and what was meant. Much of this danger can be decreased with the appropriate communication tools.
No matter what platform employees and clients use to interact, unified communications are essential for maintaining a uniform message. All of a company’s communication channels, including text, email, chat, phone chat, video conferencing, screen sharing, and much more, are combined into a single, simple-to-manage and understandable tool that can be used anytime, anywhere for any purpose.
Unified communications help to prevent or avoid potentially damaging instances of misinterpretation. Not only lower the possibility of unintentional malaphors, but also supports the creation of a collaborative workspace where users can share information in an efficient and effective manner.
Unite with Unified Communication!
To find out best business communication solutions, reach out our friendly team at Quantacom. We will be more than happy to assist your queries and provide best solutions according to your requirements.
Let the Collaboration Be At Broader Level with Mutual Understanding!
What Is Fixed Wireless Internet? How It Works?
Your roof-mounted tiny dish links wirelessly to a nearby telecoms tower to supply your internet service. A straight, continuous line of sight is necessary for the signal on the private network that includes this tower. Interested in learning more about fixed wireless internet?
Multiple frequencies can be used to give fixed wireless. As a general rule, the quicker the speeds and the shorter the signal’s range, the higher the frequency. Using a CAT-6 Ethernet cable inside the building, the dish is connected to a data point that has been built, and a PoE (Power over Ethernet) injector provides power and signal for your router.
Nowadays, having internet connectivity is a need for any business. You can’t really do business without it. You still require internet whether you utilise a VoIP phone system, video conferencing, internet-based applications, or even simply email.
You need a strong internet connection that is dependable, has decent speeds, and has no data limitations because the internet has progressed so much and is still doing so. Although wired internet connections are the norm for organisations, some don’t have that option. Quantacom can help you learn more about fixed wireless internet so you can select what you need for your location.
Basics of Fixed Wireless Internet with Quantacom:
What is fixed wireless internet?
Fixed wireless internet is a dependable, high-speed internet option, as it is not dependent on conventional wiring. It serves as a pop alternative for the conventional wired broadband services offered by cable and optical fibre companies.
A fixed wireless internet uses mobile networks to link fixed sites, such as houses and businesses, together. Internet is sent from the primary access point to the individual receivers who install it at these premises.
Radio transmissions from base stations are positioned on cell towers which are used to provide internet connection. These signals are received and sent to your modem via an antenna installed at your premises. The signal is then converted into a Wi-Fi connection that you can utilise, thus creating a wireless network.
With fixed wireless broadband, you may access the internet without a landline or fibre cable. Fixed Since fixed wireless internet doesn’t require actual cables and labour, it’s easier to set up compared to other broadband services.
To quickly deploy high-capacity broadband and close the digital divide, fixed wireless access is gaining popularity in Australia.
Fixed wireless access is gaining popularity in Australia by quickly deploying high-capacity broadband and close the digital divide.
How does Fixed Wireless work?
Fixed Wireless Access, also known as FWA, provides high-speed radio transmission signals (aka Point-of-Presence), which are picked up by an external antenna to deliver internet services to you. The signal then goes to your modem and router, where it is transformed into a Wi-Fi connection. It allows users to access high-speed data services by using radio waves to transfer data to and from consumer devices.
FWA systems generally feature a base station connected to several users’ fixed wireless devices dispersed across a large region. These transmitters are carefully positioned on fixed objects like poles, buildings, or towers. Unlike Cable, DSL, or Fibre Optic, which all rely on some type of in-ground cable to transfer internet connections all rely on in-ground cables to transfer internet connections.
Benefits of Fixed Wireless Internet:
When developed and constructed correctly, fixed wireless networks operate consistently. Additionally, it performs better than fibre in a number of key areas. Fixed wireless has several advantages, such as dependability, high bandwidth, low latency, ease of installation, speedier time to market, and significantly lower initial and ongoing costs. Wireless technology is still the preferable choice for many individuals.
- Avoid being concerned about how the weather will impact your connection, which prevents you from concentrating during video conferences since you are afraid a rainstorm will arrive and your internet will go out.
- Use your internet connection for all your needs, without worrying that a file might be too large to download.
- Run systems like video conferencing and VoIP effectively without latency turning it all into an unusable disaster.
- Avoid ridiculously high monthly charges and installation fees comparable to fibre internet.
- Fast deployment/installation. Unlike fibre internet where it can take months, a fixed wireless internet connection can be up and running in a matter of weeks.
- Subscribers can be added or moved to a certain extent without modifying the network infrastructure.
- Subscribers in remote areas can be brought into a network without the need for stringing new cables or optical fiber across the countryside.
- Broad bandwidth is possible because there are no wires or cables to introduce reactance into the connection. Reactance limits bandwidth by preventing signals higher than a certain frequency from efficiently propagating.
- As the number of subscribers increases, the connection cost per subscriber goes down making this a more cost-effective option.
How reliable is fixed wireless internet?
There are two key considerations for understanding Fixed Wireless reliability:
- Provider Network Capacity
- Installation Quality Control
With every network, congestion and capacity are strongly related in terms of reliability. Slower speeds can particularly during peak hours, will occur if your provider is overloaded their network with too many users and insufficient capacity. Enquire with your provider about the size of their network and how they keep speeds constant throughout the day and night. Initial installation quality control techniques can affect reliability.
Are satellite internet and fixed wireless similar in operation?
Satellite internet is an additional alternative for internet access in remote and other often underserved places. A dish must be erected on the user’s property in order to receive satellite internet transmissions, in contrast to fixed wireless internet, which requires an antenna to pick up a signal from a tower around 10 miles away.
Satellite internet, in contrast to fixed wireless internet, is frequently impacted by the weather since the signal must travel through miles of atmosphere before it reaches the user’s receiving dish.
Is fixed wireless the same as Wi-Fi?
Even though fixed wireless networking and Wi-Fi have similar operational principles, fixed wireless is not a replacement for a Wi-Fi network; instead, it is a means of transmitting internet connections to Wi-Fi routers, access points, or modems.
Through a wireless router or modem, Wi-Fi devices often get internet signals from an internet service provider (ISP). These devices’ antennas take in the signal and convert it into radio signals that are distributed across the network. With the help of Wi-Fi, data may be sent from your router to your laptop, smartphone, TV, tablet, and other electronics. Wi-Fi is useless if you don’t have internet access.
Is fixed wireless better than NBN?
Wireless broadband can be a better choice for you if you live in a place where fixed-line internet is either unavailable or unstable. However, the NBN is probably a better option if you need a quick and dependable connection for tasks like video conferencing or online gaming.
There is no simple answer to whether a fixed wireless internet or NBN is best. It depends on the specifics of your situation. NBN is the most basic choice and should provide more constant speeds if you already have a stable NBN connection and are satisfied with it.
The physicality of the NBN makes it a fixed-line connection. The NBN connection requires physical wires that a technician must instal to connect to the internet.
Through the use of the current mobile networks, the best fixed wireless internet connects you to the internet wirelessly (3G, 4G and 5G). Wherever there is a reliable cell signal, you may have a fixed wireless internet connection. It performs right from the start. You only need to purchase your modem and activate your plan, and you will have immediate access to the internet.
But if you’re dissatisfied with your NBN, 4G and 5G fixed wireless devices are good alternatives that can enhance your experience. If your NBN connection has technical problems, then you should certainly search for ‘fixed wireless internet near me’ as a fantastic alternative.
Does weather affect fixed wireless internet?
The speed and stability of your fixed wireless internet connection might be affected by bad weather. However, fixed wireless internet service providers take certain steps to keep their connections strong even in bad weather.
The fixed wireless service provider will do a complete assessment of your region. They examine the general topography and past weather trends, to choose the appropriate radio wave internet frequencies and carrier-grade devices. They also measure the distance between the base station and your location.
A Fixed wireless networking base station’s transmitter height is equal to that of cell towers. They’re well below the rain clouds in the sky. A receiver put on your building is constantly in the line of sight from the base station.
Fixed wireless base stations make use of durable antennas that have been engineered to minimise the effects of humidity and their potential to interfere with radio wave internet connections.
Fixed wireless broadband service provider now provides adaptive modulation, which entails automatic modulation rate and internet speed adjustments by the transmitter to improve signal strength. It helps to lessen the effects of interference brought on by rain, humidity, or extreme temperature.
You’ll be mostly protected from the effects of poor weather on your Wi-Fi, if the proper provider implements your connection.
Will fixed wireless replace fibre?
Both works in different ways. Although fibre had previously been the standard for many Internet network deployments, Fixed Wireless Internet connection is still the most practical option for many WISPs, operators, areas, and in a variety of situations.
Fibre connections need extensive digging, which has a high upfront cost and a longer execution time. In places where the delay is longer, for whatever reason, or perhaps indefinite in the case of isolated rural areas, new generations of fast wireless broadband have a window of possibility.
Does wind affect fixed wireless?
Your internet connection won’t be interrupted by the wind. This is a result of the localized nature of fixed wireless networking. The signal does not travel thousands of miles via the Earth’s atmosphere and erratic weather patterns to reach you. If the antenna is not properly secured to the structure or is tied to a long, flexible pole, it will move and cause disruption. However, if everything is adjusted properly, the wind won’t hinder your fixed wireless internet connection because it won’t directly interfere with your signal.
How do I choose the best location for the nbn equipment?
You will need to consider where you want the nbn box to be installed before booking an installation appointment. Checklist to choose the ideal location:
- Near enough to a power point.
- NBN equipment cannot be put in a moist or wet location, such as a kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, or underneath a window that opens. Must be installed somewhere at a cold, dry and ventilated space.
- Keep it away from crowded situations where it might be damaged or knocked.
- A location where you can easily view the indicator lights and inspect them.
- Not in a separate detached garage or outhouse, but rather in the same structure as the main electric metre box or distribution board.
Fixed wireless is one way to transmit internet connections to Wi-Fi routers, access points, or modems, but it does not entirely replace a Wi-Fi network. Fixed wireless internet users are unable to immediately connect to the reception antenna so that their devices may access the internet. To power the Wi-Fi network that devices connect to, that stationary wireless receiver must instead be connected to a modem or router. While the nbn expert will make every effort to install in the position of your choosing, some environmental variables, such as complicated walls, a distance from power supplies, and closeness to and accessibility to the outdoor antenna, may make this site unsuitable. If your prefered site is unworkable, try to find an alternate place.